Thomashilfen is a medical equipment supplier that helps people, develop and create products for their special needs. Thomashilfen develops and markets mattresses for home care. A new digital mattress uses an integrated sensor mat to record various data about the patient lying on the mattress. In order to easily view patient’s condition and control different parameters, the client wanted a mobile app. The client wanted a clear and simple design, with clearly recognizable, legible icons and UI elements. The client wanted the information to be displayed on a white background with the brand’s dark blue as main color. The target group are caring relatives between the ages of 40 and 70. The app informs the caring relative about the patient's condition, directly via push messages and/or the app. In this way, the caring relative knows that something has changed with regard to the patient's previous condition. The app can also be used to control a vibration mat or sensory training.